Photo of the Week
This was taken for a print ad for a 5K called Cupid's Chase in February 2015
This was taken for a print ad for a 5K called Cupid's Chase in February 2015
The Amtrack train station in El Paso, Texas has daily departures to different cities, next time you're up for an...
Tip the Newspup sits outside as he guards his porch from strangers.
Lead guitarist of duo group Chromeo, P-Thug, playing an encore song...
Baby Max turning 3 months old, playing with his aunts at his grandmother's home during a family get-together on Sunday...
Billy Munnell, 25, inspiring hilarity and playing "the lion sleeps tonight" on the ukulele.
El Paso International Airport Police apprehend a "rowdy" passenger of a simulated plane crash during the El Paso International Airport...
Every one has those people in their lives, or just people that we see constantly, that are known in our...
Walking down the stairs of Franklin High School for a conference; I couldn't help myself to see this girl...
Chromeo, Dave 1 and P-Thugg, playing an encore in El Paso, Tx on October 6, 2014.
My portrait series has a different array of almost famous people. From a Starbucks barista, a local artist, and a...
A legend in the making, Carlos Briano, a former El Dorado High School journalism teacher, was presented with the 2013...
The Americas football team, is not letting their fall break get in the way of their practice. Americas football players...
A single sunflower grows in the middle of a man made creek. A RED clock is captured at 10:10 A.M....
Looking Up at the Plaza An incredible landmark from El Paso, when you see the plaza you immediately think of...
I was running some errands in town when I spied this caboose just sitting in the middle of town.
The Kress Building Walking around the downtown area from El Paso, it's interesting to find this old buildings and make...