It all started with that search of Humanity
Documentary photography has been a stable of published media, it has been a reliable source since the past mid-century. Started...
Documentary photography has been a stable of published media, it has been a reliable source since the past mid-century. Started...
The El Paso Plaza hotel on an evening walk around San Juancito plaza
Early evening, a drink was left behind by an unknown user on the New Mexico State University.
A large green, wooden alien statute in front of a gift shop located near Carlsbad Caverns.
Graffiti obscures the message “HELP KEEP ANTHONY CLEAN!” Alex Auto Service in Anthony, Texas, advertises well with the front of...
How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis Documentary photography is a branch of photography that is used to provide...
Documentary photography, the way I understand it, is all about capturing images that aren’t solely focused on the beauty of...
Photography can be a powerful tool that carries the power of storytelling. This form of storytelling can be defined as...
Documentary photography started in the 19th century as is defined as a form of photography that shows an accurate representation...
In the world of journalism, documentary photography has persisted as one of the industry’s most important and impactful mediums since...
These pictures were taken at Dick Shinaut Park in east El Paso. There were probably about 20 or so different...
-What is it you like about this photo? This is a very abstract image so you could say what I...
For the final assignment we had to photograph red, green, blue and yellow. It was challenging for me because I...
Coming from Wyoming I was happy to find this little spot of nature. This was my home away from home....
I spend a lot of my time at the pond here at NMSU, and I've noticed all the people that...
Image by: Ami Vitale Text by: Natalie Prieto Photojournalism is defined as “a unique and powerful form of visual storytelling...
Photojournalism in a simple definition is where you communicate news with the public through pictures; but it’s so much more...
The Whoopee Bowl houses many antiques from cash clunkers and old appliances all the way to vintage coke machines and...