It's disappearing fast... er... it's actually gone.There are places where it still exist; El Paso, L.A., Africa, but the landscape...
It's disappearing fast... er... it's actually gone.There are places where it still exist; El Paso, L.A., Africa, but the landscape...
Photograph by Sebastiao Salgado Documentary photography captures real moments including events, people, and places. These moments can range from historical...
Meet Ellyse Nicole, a 22 year old aspiring artist from El Paso, TX. For the past 10 years, she's been...
Robert Homen takes a break from shoveling and gives a quick glance to the camera. George Ramirez fumigates with ease...
For years, humans have used the phrase “a picture can paint a thousand words”. That phrase alone can be an...
Here are some flags.
Documentary photography is a genre or style of photography that is used to tell a story. It consists of being...
-What is it you like about this photo? This is a very abstract image so you could say what I...
Front of a convenience store at a gas station on Espina. I chose this particular one over others to shoot...
Photographer Huang Chao This picture blows my mind because although the picture is based on an ordinary high school football...
A color adventure that conjures "Freddy Crabs" vibes. To see more, follow you can follow me on Instagram @mari.marc1992
Red, Blue, Greens, and Yellows are all around us. Here are just some of the little things we always see,...
Blue - Color of peace Give yourself the Green light to move forward Red light district Embrace Green For Aggie...
It is the largest organ of the human body and can be the most telling thing about us. It can...
Coming from Wyoming I was happy to find this little spot of nature. This was my home away from home....