Coolness Local Journalism Night COLD NIGHTS IN LAS CRUCES Jose Peña Rico November 5, 2020 2:20 pm The first cold night in Cruces, a few hours before the first snow, a man collects his ice cream from the Caliche's window. An odd choice for such a cold night. Front of a convenience store at a gas station on Espina. I chose this particular one over others to shoot because it had an eerie feel to it. While the night was cold, the inside of the store was very warm. Same convenience store, different point of view. It is almost impossible to see anything inside the store because of all the ads and promotions it has. About Author Jose Peña Rico See author's posts Post Navigation Previous NIGHTS AT DOWNTOWNNext FAVORITE IMAGE: DESIRE LINES BY IAN HOWORTH More Stories Local Journalism New Mexico State University NMSU SPORTS – NMSU v Middle Tennessee Volleyball Game Casey Schmidt September 26, 2023 10:36 am Night NMSU Photography UNLV v. NM State in Photographs Jorge Fonseca September 18, 2023 5:54 pm Local Journalism NM Stories Dee Bernal | Prophecy Studio Nathaniel Bitting October 25, 2022 9:44 am