#22 for the Blue Raiders, Kaylee Oscarson attempts to make a kill against the successful Aggie defense at the C-USA opener on September 23rd at the Pan American Center#13 for the Aggies, Mari Sharp makes a kill past the Blue Raiders at the C-USA opener on September 23rd at the Pan American Center#13 for the Aggies, Mari Sharp serves the ball to Middle Tennessee at the C-USA opener on September 23rd in the Pan American Center#10 for the Aggies, Bianca Perez sets the ball for #8, Ashley Herman at the C-USA opener on September 23rd at the Pan American CenterThe Aggie cheer team throws out t-shirts at the C-USA opener on September 23rdThe NMSU cheer team celebrates the Aggie victory with a big guns up at the C-USA opener on September 23rd#13 for the Aggies, Mari Sharp makes a kill at the C-USA opener on September 23rd at the Pan American CenterThe Aggies celebrate their victorious match against Middle Tennessee at the C-USA opener on September 23rd at the Pan American Center#24 for the Aggies, Ryleigh Whitekettle makes a kill at the C-USA opener on September 23rd at the Pan American Center