March 1, 2025 2:31 am

What is Photo Journalism, How Does It Work, Who’s Good?


What is Photo Journalism, How Does It Work, Who’s Good?

Sebastio blog post
Sebastião Salgado – “Project Genesis”
Powerful portrait of an Indigenous basket weaver
  1. Photojournalism is the process of collecting, editing and presenting, news/stories for publication or broadcast that includes images in order to tell a news story.
  2. Photojournalism distinguishes its self from other forms of reportage photography (documentary, photography, etc.), because photojournalists have to comply with a firm ethical framework that demands that the work is both honest and impartial while telling their story in strictly journalistic terms. Photojournalists create pictures that contribute to the news media, which are: Timeliness, Objectivity and Narrative.
  3. Photojournalists make a living by: Newspaper work, magazine photography, free lancing, wire news services and storytelling jobs.  (Sebastião Salgado) makes a living by: Salgado initially worked with the photo agency, formed his own agency, has had many, exhibitions, has done self-assigned projects many of which have been published as books:
    1. The clients is:  The person who is paying for the job to be done.
    2. A professional organization that represents photojournalists is the National Press Photographers Association

    I would join this organization because its purpose is to promote and protect the integrity and excellence in visual journalism.   Annual memberships:   (Professionals/$110, students /$65.   The benefits are:  You can meet, network with, and learn from others.

    1. 3 photo “Agencies” that represent photojournalists are:

    The function of a photo Agency is to represent and market photographers and their work.

    1. Photojournalism began between the 1880’s and 1897.
    2. The “Golden Age” of photojournalism was between the 1930’s and 1950’s.  3 topphotographers from this time are: Robert Capa, Margaret Bourke-White and W. Eugene Smith.
    3. A contemporary source of photojournalism (on-line or otherwise), ie a publication (on-line or otherwise) World Press Photo (
    4. A contemporary photojournalist that I admire and would like to emulate is Sebastião Salgado

    Include a small photo on a third pageSebastião Salgado

    1. Brazil-born documentary photographer Sebastião Salgado’s project Genesis represents human communities unchanged by time, communities across the globe that stayed closer to nature and true to their ancestors’ ways of survival. His signature black and white style is sleek, full of detail, and precise soft focus, adding an almost too perfect, conflicting sheen.  .

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