March 1, 2025 5:33 am

Small Villages of New Mexico through my Eyes

savannah 2
Jars of honey for sale in Hatch.
Karen Jersvig is proud of her garden along with her beautiful flowers.
A man in Old Mesilla smiles as he poses outside of his chile shop.
On a warm sunny morning the sun rises and shines bright on the farms of Anthony, New Mexico.

I am officially graduating this spring and I am hoping to take my photography skills to the next level. This last semester I took the class of documentary photography and learned of a new appreciation for photography and reason for the love of my hobby: taking a photograph of something that will either be gone in the future or altered in some way, shape or form. Photography is extremely important; individuals need to document what is going on in the world and the changes that are happening, for those in the future to understand and learn about the history of those images. I loved this class and enjoyed shooting the small villages of New Mexico: Hatch, Old Mesilla, Anthony and La Mesa. Thetowns are gorgeous in their own unique ways. It was an adventure having the opportunity to shoot these villages and learn about the people, cultures, businesses and environments. I will be permanently leaning the town of Las Cruces and what a way to go out!  I visited some towns and photographed them, and one day these villages will be entirely different, and I have the documentation through through the lense of my Nikon, before everything will eventually change. With love, Savannah Mae Montero!

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