January 9, 2025 2:53 pm

Small Village New Mexico Experience

Ferris Wheel1

Mesilla, New Mexico was stop number one on our Small Village New Mexico Assignments. It is a small town located on the outside of Las Cruces, New Mexico. It was really cool to be able to see the newer buildings in the plaza and just go a few streets over and see the old run down houses. I truly enjoyed this day in Mesilla because it was so peaceful and calming to be out of the hustle and bustle of Las Cruces. La Mesa, New Mexico was stop number two on the SVNM project. I had never been to La Mesa before this project and it really was an interesting place to go and take pictures. From the two men who collect everything and anything you could imagine, to the savory scents coming from Chopes restaurant, La Mesa is a town worth checking out if you have some spare time. Stop number three was the agriculture department on campus. New Mexico State University is primarily an agriculture school and has it’s own small village in itself. Employees of NMSU of agriculture department were preparing for an auction when I went and visited. It was really interesting to see how the employees cared for the animals. They even made sure to wash off the tractor they used to clean the pens before they fed the animals to avoid any cross contamination and get the animals sick. Last, but not least, is an actual “border town”, Anthony. Anthony lies directly between New Mexico and Texas. This was another town I had never been to but it was really interesting to see. It was really, really windy when I went, but I would like to go back and explore when I get the chance.

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