March 1, 2025 5:48 am
Carol Szathmari

What is Photojournalism?

Photograph By Carol Szathmari

The word photojournalism is sort of a new concept in today’s era. Google defines photojournalism as, the art or practice of communicating news by photographs, especially in magazines. Photojournalism first started in 1853 when the first known photojournalist arrived to the scene. Her name was Carol Szathmari from Romania. She documented the Crimean War. That was the first time photos were released to the public in such matter instead of just reading about what was going along.

It allowed for an even greater depth/understanding on the world around them. The golden age of photojournalism really kicked off between the 1930s to the 1950s. It says that this era really helped journalist capture photographs because of the development of the first flash bulbs which gave them more flexibility in taking photographs. During this time many magazines really sought out journalists who can tell a story with pictures to enrich their stories.

Photograph by Carol Szathmari

Photojournalism isn’t really like that anymore. It seems like photographers would prefer to get involved in more of a mock-documentary for their photos. They want to create what the story should look like than to capture exactly what is happening. Most photographers either work for a television station, magazine, newspaper or freelance. Depending on their contracts they ultimately decide on how much they want to make.

Most people who work as photographers get the most doing what they love and not for the money. From my research online, some people pay up to $250.00 to $750 per photo assignment. It all really depends on the time spent on the shoot, logistics, transportation, etc. Photography takes time it’s not just about snapping a picture but creating something special and editing it. Most photojournalist choose to freelance as they have more creative say on what they chose to work on.

The American Photographic Artists (APA), American Society of Media Professionals (ASMP), Professional Photographers of America (PPA) are just some of the organizations that are represent photojournalists. Each organization annual dues cost about anywhere from $50 to $400. You would want to join one of these organizations for they can exchange advice or ideas such as dealing with a tough client or a creative block. They represent journalists in legal matters discussing ethical work.



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