January 30, 2025 7:44 am



Photojournalism is described as a visual way of story telling (Journalism Degree).

Photojournalism distinguishes itself apart from documentary photography and street photography by using ethical framework which entitles using honest and true photography; i.e. not photoshopping something that isn’t there or altering the photo to be something different.

            Photojournalists make there living by getting assignments from newspapers, news stations, and other various forms of multimedia outlets; Although, a majority of photojournalists are independent photographers. The clients typically are news outlets look for solid photos of events. According to shutha a photojournalist has 5 streams of income: Selling time, Selling product, Selling rarity, Selling the use of rights and Securing funding.

One organization that represent photojournalists is Professional Photographers of America (PPA). You would join an organization like this so you can get you photos published by media outlets and be credited and certified as a professional. the cost for a membership is around $250. Some benefits include indemnification, streaming of your photos and insurance on your photos. the function of a photo agency is to help get your photos published by major news outlets.

Depending on where you look most articles say photo journalism dates back to the late 1800s and early 1900s.

The golden age in photo journalism was around the 1930s. Three photographer fro this era are Romano Cagnoni, Alfred Eisenstaedt, and E. Eugene Smith.

A way to view contemporary photography is on an online art gallery.

© 2015 Walter Iooss

One contemporary photojournalist I would like to emulate would be Walter Iooss because he takes a lot of photos of sports and thats the type of photography I’m most interested in.

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