February 22, 2025 10:50 am

Thanksgiving in Southern New Mexico

Buttering up the turkey before throwing it in the oven.
Buttering up the turkey before throwing it in the oven.
Buttering up the turkey before throwing it in the oven.

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1 thought on “Thanksgiving in Southern New Mexico

  1. This is a shoot and not a project and it isn’t done as a photographer it was done as a family member. You forgot about your job, TO MAKE PHOTOGRAPHS. You aren’t a participant as a photographer but, rather, a maker of a story.
    You need to look at these people situations like you look at your star work: a job and task to be accomplished and no “i” won’t be dotted and no “T” won’t be crossed.
    And nothing will be turned in until it is “killer,” until the light and the timing and the elbow grease invested and the PHOTOGRAPH is so powerful that one can’t not look at it.
    I.E., do not be casual or your viewer will be.

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