February 22, 2025 12:07 pm


The youth in this country have inherited technology that weathers the past just as the wind weathers a mountain or a stream dissipates a rock.  This can be seen when looking at outdoor basketball courts in small towns.  Children are too busy playing video games and liking a status on Facebook then to get out and move about.  Physical activity has taken a back seat to a country driving away with technology and obesity.  The funding for old school basketball courts has disappeared because nobody plays on them anymore.  The fading of the backboard and the weathering of the court is an example of the shift taking place in this country.  Rocks and glass litter the court for anybody willing to play at Washington Park in Alamogordo, NM.

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1 thought on “Photo of the week #6

  1. You have ash ideas here!
    Expand it.
    Start shooting things that are a symbol of this cultural change. Make a series. It’s called documentary photography. It’s a legit area of investigation.
    On this post start digging out some data to support your thesis. Is there a decline? If so show the numbers.

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