December 21, 2024 10:41 pm

Roaming the square of Mesilla Valley Village, street artist and vendors vigorously are talking to customers about
their work.

It’s a Sunday afternoon while the sun is low in the sky and Zach Van Tongeren is lonesome in the square. He is the last to be selling for the day as other vendors pack up and head home.

Zach Tongeren is with his father and close family friend as they quietly talk about their work.

Tongeren works with Cantastiks, a metal working company converting old tin cans and converting them into candle holders and even some night lights. He also manipulates the metals and creates incredible pieces, one that even looks like The Mad Hatters hat from Alice and Wonderland.

Tongeren has a soft approach to him. He’s wearing a cut off black shirt exposing his tattoos. He’s not pushing the sale, but rather cares about the people admiring his work.

It’s a family thing. His father has been working at the farmer’s market in Las Cruces and Mesilla Valley, Tongeren has followed in the path to create art and now his daughters also help out. One of his daughters even has saved enough money, creates her own crafts and will begin to sell at the same fairs.

Tongeren’s pride in his work and his family is beaming. Tongeren is working to create a special relationship they will be able to bond over for many years to come._dsc0033

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1 thought on “Metal Men

  1. There’s something wrong here. His head is cut off! We need to fix that or you don’t have it.
    The background is a bit cluttered. Put him into the metal…have him sit down with it, isolate him. The cars and buildings in the background are not part of your “statement.”

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