March 11, 2025 1:00 am
A stone in La Mesa, NM next to a make shift cross
A stone in La Mesa, NM next to a make shift cross
A stone in La Mesa, NM next to a make shift cross


A goat saying hello!


Dead End
Another Dead End in La Mesa


Locked up
A lock that keeps people out, unless they jump the fence!


Quality time
Just riding!


Desert meeting civilization
A road dog in La Mesa


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1 thought on “La Mesa

  1. Use better light. Too much shot after good light. Shoot more people. Instead of being IN the bar, shoot the bar. Being a pghotographger means giving up being part of the scen and photographing the scene. That’s the price.
    One must engage or you’re just an outsider. Be an Insider.
    Dig in. Get closer. Gewt up into people’s grilles…not photograph them down the street from behind.

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