Color is everywhere! My favorite places to capture color is in stores, restaurants and other public places.
For this image I walked into the candy store at the Mesilla Valley Mall. The clerk stated “As long as you’re not taking pictures of me, I don’t care what you take pictures of!”
This is a painting hanging in one of the stores at Mesilla Valley Mall.
Walmart is one of my favorite places to photograph, this was in one the many floral bouquets for sale at Walmart, West Towne. A woman waited for me to take the picture and then grabbed a bouquet to purchase.
This figurine was one of many of the little statues standing together in a store at the Mesilla Valley Mall. There were so many, in different colors, but the blue was my favorite.
You can find many different colors in a makeup store. For this fun picture, I asked my classmate Victoria to swatch her arm with different color blues. It’s ok to swatch in any makeup store.
This image was captured in the toy section at Walmart, when I was done I looked around and had an audience. I was asked if I was a blogger, I said “No, I’m a photographer!”
Imagine seeing a lady with a camera in the produce section at Walmart rearranging the pomegranate’s for a photo.
This little guy posed at NMSU, he was walking in a familiar gloomy way, putting on his backpack, wondering if he had studied enough for his test for his next class.
During the holidays there are poinsettias everywhere! A quick available subject for a red themed photo.
This photo was taken at Sunland Park Mall. This was one of the first images I captured for the color assignment.
This is Souper Salad! restaurant in El Paso, TX. I took a picture sitting and realized that I had to stand on the booth to get the image I wanted. My son threatened to walk out on me if I did. I waited until the dining area was empty and the workers were busy to stand on the booth and take this beautiful green image. My son did not walk out.
Out of all photos, this is my favorite. This picture was taken the day before Thanksgiving. My sisters and I prepped the stuffing, my sister finished the last stalk, (usually lighter than the rest) I asked her if I could put what she cut in the bow and made this heart. To me this photo represents love and family.