December 22, 2024 11:11 am


The Small town New Mexico project has taken us to a few different villages in southern New Mexico. These villages are built around the hard working, genuine people who call them home. Lorenzo Ramos has lived in Hatch, NM since 1967 and said he collected his first income tax check at age 13.



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1 thought on “Hatch NM (Small Village New Mexico)

  1. Notice people in the background when you’re doing straight up portraiture.
    Also (and there is NO excuse int he digital monitor-on-the-back era), notice the flashreflections in glasses. Get that strobe either HIGH or way off to the side (or grab his glasses, throw them to the ground, jump up and down on them and scream, NO GLASSES…NO REFLECTIONS).
    Okay, back to Earth.
    Don’t have reflections because they put you on the wrong side of being a professional or not.

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