March 3, 2025 9:54 am

Trying to decide what the face to make for the camera.

These subjects were asked to make a strange face for the camera on the spot. This is what they came up with.

Trying to decide what the face to make for the camera.
Trying to decide what the face to make for the camera.
She smells everything before she eats it. Every time.
She smells everything before she eats it. Every time.
Jocelyn is having trouble finding her words.
Jocelyn is having trouble finding her words.
Posing for the camera with his best smile
Posing for the camera with his best smile


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1 thought on “Faces

  1. Bad post. Did you not check your post after you put it up and notice the ICON instead of an image? This is necessary.It makes you look less than professional and degrades the site itself. You don’t see this on any of the sites you go to, correct?
    The photos are OK but I don’t recall asking for “subjects…to make a strange face for the camera on the spot.”
    What was asked for was:
    “You are not looking for ‘pretty” or “normal’…Make sure you have names, ages, home cities, occupations, academic rank (if a student), something about the person to make your post interesting.”
    Lastly, the TEXT has to compliment the photos stated above).Expand your captioning and go deeper.

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