A full house at the NMSU Aggie StadiumUNM Tyrone Owens (RB), takes a fall as he catches the first down of the Game.NMSU Wide Receiver Gregory Hogan, pummeling through #9 Richard Winston (LB)UNM band celebrating second touchdown, bringing the game to a tie at half-time.NMSU Wide Receiver #29 Lewis Hill, in position for the offensive play.UNM Teriyone Gipson (RB), catches the ball for one of the final plays of the game.
1 thought on “Battle of I-25 UNM vs NMSU Football”
You did well in ID-ing the players. Good skill to acquire. You don’t always have the best moment in your captures but some moments could be better presented if you’d crop more, like the Featured image (ask me). The back of the Band (which is mostly the flag) is not the band. If you’re gonna do it you have to go down there and shoot up[ and show the emotion of the players. Those make great shots. The backs of one head and flag…not so much.
Good effort to just be there but next time shoot more so you have more chances of success. The key to this kind of photography is timing and that can only be improved with practice.
You did well in ID-ing the players. Good skill to acquire. You don’t always have the best moment in your captures but some moments could be better presented if you’d crop more, like the Featured image (ask me). The back of the Band (which is mostly the flag) is not the band. If you’re gonna do it you have to go down there and shoot up[ and show the emotion of the players. Those make great shots. The backs of one head and flag…not so much.
Good effort to just be there but next time shoot more so you have more chances of success. The key to this kind of photography is timing and that can only be improved with practice.