February 22, 2025 10:25 am

What I like about this photo is how ominous it looks. It looks like something bad is about to happen with that woman walking the crosswalk with the car coming. I like that perfect timing. I also like the fog in the back that makes the background start to fade out. 

The light source seems to be coming from the left. Coming from the sun and also from the pole lights and streetlights. 

The photographer definitely got the “decisive moment”. Right when the woman is passing the crosswalk, the car is moving towards the woman, and the streetlight is yellow.

The focus seems to be the woman walking down the crosswalk with the car coming and the streetlight being yellow. 

What makes the photo great is how ominous it looks with the woman about to get runover. It seems like the perfect timing. 

I think that I could take a photo like this in El Paso. Around downtown El Paso. There are places that look like the one in the photograph and if it isn’t as busy as it usually is (well, before COVID-19) than I could. Well, I would love to try. 

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1 thought on “A Favorite Image

  1. I see that you copied and pasted info that relates to his PRINTS.
    Not necessary. But what is necessary, always, is give a photo credit and a title (if it’s titled), and perhaps the date, which you did. I this case you could also put in the copyright chop © (on a Mac it’s Option + G. On a Windows… don’t know. Look it up).
    ©Gregory Crewdson, untitled, 2003

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