February 22, 2025 3:37 am

©Taslima Akhter April 2013 Garment factory collapsed in Dhaka.

©Taslima Akhter  April 2013  Garment factory collapsed in Dhaka.
©Taslima Akhter
April 2013
Garment factory collapsed in Dhaka.


Photojournalism is a type journalism medium. It consists of newsworthy stories that are portrayed through photos. However, according to the Nieman Reports the difference between photojournalism and other forms of reportage photography is that photojournalism is “world events, stock markets, and even sports. And news photography keeps pace.” On the other hand, documentary photography reveals the infinite number of situations, actions and results over a period of time. Street photography is set out in the public where the photographers can capture random individuals and or occurrences. Overall, photojournalism differs by its method of being newsworthiness.

According to Photojojo, photojournalists should push themselves and learn what it takes to become a photojournalist then, it is suggested to put yourself out there, create a website and send that link to editors within your area in order to create clients and or a living. Creating your own website or blog of your work would be a way to provide a revenue stream. Photojournalists can be represented by three organizations, the American Society of Media Professionals, the American Photographic Artists and or the Professional Photographers of America. It would be beneficial to join one because according to Clickbooq.com, “These organizations seek out local photography clubs, colleges and online forums to expand your network further.” An association with such communities can provide you with a second shooter or just a second opinion, where your fellow photographers are there to help. Membership fees range from $45 – $335/year, depending on experience for the American Society of Media Professionals. $55 – $350/year, depending on experience for the American Photographic Artists and $323 for professional photographers and $194 for aspiring photographers for the Professional Photographers of America.  Photo agencies on the other hand, are sales managers and photo editors, photo agencies are agents who partner with photographers to guide and manage the photographers in order to advance in their careers. Such agencies are The Associated Press, Reuters and The European Press photo Agency.

Photojournalism began in the year 1925 in Germany with the help of the 35mm camera. This Leica camera helped people take pictures without the bulkiness of the old fashion cameras. It provided clean and professional images. The golden age of photojournalism consisted of Robert Capa, W. Eugene Smith and Dorothea Lange. The golden age was set in the 1930’s and 50’s.

Some contemporary sources of photojournalism would be websites the provide the latest newsworthy images of the day, week, or month. Such examples would be like Time magazine and The New York Times. However, a type of contemporary publication source would be Lightbox.

I admire and would like to emulate Taslima Akhter.

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