January 21, 2025 3:06 am

3 Boys on the Leevee, Juárez, 01/01/2000

3 Boys on the Leevee, Juárez, 01/01/2000
3 Boys on the Levee, Juárez, 01/01/2000


Welcome to J412/Documentary Photography.

This is a story-telling, project-oriented class. It’s main focus (!) is developing visual story-telling techniques, evolving a personal style, and gaining increased proficiency in using the physical tools (camera, lights, flash, Photoshop, WordPress web site) of your profession.

All Assignments, Schedules, Papers and Announcements will be found on your Canvas site.

This class requires personal discipline. It only meets once a week. This puts the burden on you to develop the main tool of doing photography: doing photography. You will need to ALWAYS have a camera on you and to use it every day. You will have Pop Peeks to ensure that happens.

Have a great semester. This class is very liberating in that we spend 1/3rd of the semester out of the classroom. As with any form of freedom it comes with a burden of responsibility to a) Stay engaged, b) Put in more effort than required, c) Be analytical in evaluating yourself, and, d) Interacting with class mates and instructor in a spirit of inquiry and discovery.

Best wishes to you all. Have a great semester.

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