March 1, 2025 3:19 am
Tattoos, Dyer Street, El Paso, Texas, 2019 by Bruce Berman

Dyer Street, El Paso, the epicenter of funk.
This is the last place in El Paso that has real texture. Slowly but surely The Grid movies in… Taco Bell… KFC… McDs…
Funny, when a photographer shoots aWalmart it’s probably to bemoan it.
When a photographer shoots a one-of-a-kind like this tattoo parlor, it’s to appreciate it, revere it.
As The Grid crawls into our cities and the ubiquitousness it dulls our eyes, asks to us to desire and consume what is less that good, the spirit pleades for texture and nuance and they beat us on the head with “bland.”
I yearn for funk.

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