"I used to be an artist in Spain," by Bruce Berman 2014Welcome to the new improved doc shooters site. This...
"I used to be an artist in Spain," by Bruce Berman 2014Welcome to the new improved doc shooters site. This...
Running over the competition (more…)
The NMSU library shot with improper white balance
Photojournalist Mary Ellen Mark captures stunning images that invoke emotions What is Photojournalism? (more…)
What is photojournalism? Define “Photojournalism”. Photojournalism is a specific branch of journalism in which images are used as the primary...
Damir Sagolj shares his methods for doing photojournalism:
The Best Photojournalism of 2012:
WELCOME TO J320's website. This is where almost all of your work will be posted. This is a test...
Listen to the GREAT Sebastião Salgado. You can come at photojournalism from many different directions but all of them lead from...